Privacy Policy -

Welcome to our little corner of the internet, here at We're committed to protecting your privacy as you use our site. So, before you dive in, let's talk about the fine print.

Data Storage and Retention

We believe in transparency and have made a comprehensive list of all the data we store and how long we keep it for. Don't worry, your passwords are safe with us; they're encrypted using a robust hashing algorithm. All other data is stored in plain text for accessibility.

Here's a quick rundown of the data we store, the retention rates, how we delete data, our legal grounds for collection, and some notes for your guidance.

Account Data (Deleted automatically after 5 years of inactivity)

  1. Email: We recommend setting up a separate email specifically for dating that doesn't include personal info.
  2. Password: Your password is stored in an unreadable format (Bcrypt) and we encourage you to always use a unique password.

Profile Data (Deleted automatically after 5 years of inactivity)

  1. First Name: Feel free to use a pseudonym for your privacy.
  2. Age: We don't store your DOB, so you'll need to update your age manually.
  3. Gender, Sexuality, Country, City: Your sexuality, gender, city, and country details are based on your choice and IP address or GPS location.
  4. Interests, Search Options, Message alerts, Newsletter Emails, Network Profile: These fields help us customize your user experience, remember your preferences, and ensure you agree to our terms and conditions.
  5. Biography: This is optional and should not contain any contact information.

Message Data (Deleted automatically after 30 days)

  1. Private Messages: Remember to limit personal information whenever possible, these messages are stored in plain text.
  2. Private Message Pictures: Try to avoid sending pictures where you can be easily identified. Crop or blur as necessary.

Chatroom Data (Deleted automatically after 7 hour)

  1. Chat Messages: Be mindful not to share personal information in chat rooms, use private messages instead.

Sales Data (Deleted manually after 3 years)

  1. Sales Data: This data is stored for tracking, taxation, and accounting. When your user account is deleted, this data becomes anonymous.

VIP Objections (Deleted automatically after 150 days)

  1. Objections: This data is used to help us understand our users better.

User Reports (Deleted automatically after 3 years of inactivity)

  1. User Reports: This data is stored for security and abuse prevention.

Survey Data (Retention varies)

  1. Completed Surveys and Survey Data: Used to ensure surveys are completed only once and to gather information. Published results are always anonymous.

Your Rights

You've got power over your data! Here's what you can do:

  1. Update Data: Most of your data can be edited directly on your profile page.
  2. Access Data: Request a copy of the data we store for your account at no charge. Just navigate to 'Data request' under the settings menu.
  3. Transfer Data: Use the 'Data Request' tool to copy your data and request another service provider to incorporate it.
  4. Delete Data: You can erase all the data we hold related to your account via the 'Delete account' option in the settings menu. If we need to keep some data for legal reasons, it will be stored anonymously.

Third Parties

Your data might get a little tour around some of these companies as part of your account operation: Google, MailUp, CCBill, PayPal, Apple, and Securion Pay. Don't worry, we're careful with who we trust!

Marketing Communications

Your inbox won't be flooded; we only send compulsory transactional alerts, optional alerts and newsletters if you choose to receive them.

Disclosing Information

Your secrets are safe with us. We will only disclose your information when requested by law enforcement or in relation to a criminal offence.

Account Termination

When you choose to delete your account, all your personal data says goodbye. If your account is banned, we might keep some hashed data to prevent new registrations.

Picture Moderation

We may re-review profile pictures due to changes in laws, app store policies, advertiser rules, or our branding standards.

Data Protection

Your data is well-protected with SSL encryption when in transit. Our servers are off-site, secured round the clock, and accessible only to essential staff.


We use one cookie to allow automatic login. If you log out, this cookie is deleted.

Third-Party Links

Any links to sites that aren't owned by us should be clicked at your own risk. Enjoy your time at!